Review Article

Biological Effects of Listeriolysin O: Implications for Vaccination

Table 1

Summary of single point mutations and truncated LLO forms and the relationship on biological activities.

LLO mutantsEffects of mutations on cell deathEffects of mutations on proinflammatory activityEffects of mutations on LLO ImmunogenicityReference

Single amino acids substitutionsLLO C484AA decrease of 28% in the hemolytic activityNDND[58]
LLO C484SA decrease of 85% in the hemolytic activityNDNA[20, 58]
LLO W491A A decrease of 95% in the hemolytic activity and abolished capacity to induce apoptosis NDND[20, 58, 59]
LLO 415 (domains 1–3, no nomain 4)Loss of cytolytic and lethal activitiesNDND[59]
LLO W492AA decrease of 99% in the hemolytic activityNDRetains the ability to be efficiently presented by APC’s[18, 58, 59]
LLO W491-492AA decrease of 99.5% in the hemolytic activityNDRetains the ability to be efficiently presented by APC’s[18]
LLO W489A Cytolytic activity diminishedNDND[59]
dtLLO (3 punctual mutations: C484A, W491A, and W492A.No hemolytic activity Retain the proinflammatory activityND[29]
LLOA40W, LLOS44D, LLOS44E, LLO D394WIncreased the hemolytic activity NDND[2]
LLOK175E, LLOE262K, LLOS176W, LLOD4 (domain 4)No hemolytic activityNDND[2]
LLOE262WNo effect on cytolytic activityNDND[2]
LLON230WA decrease of 50% in the hemolytic activityNDND[2]

LLO truncated formsDeletion of PPII region: LLODPPII.Increased the hemolytic activityNDND[2]
rLLO493, rLLO482, rLLO415; (Forms deficient of C-terminal region) No hemolytic activityRetain the proinflammatory activityND[12]
rLLO416–529 (domain 4 alone)No hemolytic activityNo influence on proinflammatory activityND[12]
rLLO59–415 include the sequence 59–415aa of LLO)No hemolytic activityRetain the proinflammatory activityND[12]

ND = not determined.