Research Article

Different Plaque Composition and Progression in Patients with Stable and Unstable Coronary Syndromes Evaluated by Cardiac CT

Table 3

IVUS data at baseline.

IVUS data baselineSAP

Total plaque volume mm3 mean (±95% CI)339 (±56)392 (±72)0.23
Fibrous plaque volume mm3 mean (±95% CI)109 (±23)131 (±37)0.27
Fibro fatty plaque volume mm3 (±95% CI)22 (±5)27 (±9)0.26
Necrotic core plaque volume mm3 (±95% CI)47 (±13)50 (±15)0.74
Dense calcium plaque volume mm3 (±95% CI)22 (±7)23 (±11)0.83