Research Article

Cytogenomic Evaluation of Subjects with Syndromic and Nonsyndromic Conotruncal Heart Defects

Table 2

Details of the 10 relevant genomic imbalances detected in biorepository samples from subjects with conotruncal heart defects using array-CGH 60.

CaseGender/ageDel/DupChromosome regionGenomic coordinates (hg 19)Size (Mb)Type of CNVHeart defectAssociated clinical features

268M/5 yDel1p36.33-p36.32 852863–38000882.94CausalTOFProminent forehead, epicanthic folds, flat, broad, and short nose, and downturned corners of the mouth
56M/11 yDup1p35.1-p34.334174663–350551220.88VOUSTOFCNS abnormalities
108M/18 yDel1q21.1-q21.2146641601–1477867061.15CausalTOFNone
137M/32  yDup6q25.2153543129–1545679841.0VOUSTOFNone
376F/13 yDel7p22.3-p22.1707018–52707594.56CausalTOFHypertelorism, epicanthic folds, and micrognathia developmental delay
126F/5 yDel7q11.2164691936–650709190.37VOUSTGAMinor dysmorphic facial features
360M/2 yDel7q31.1110980176–1112020260.22VOUSTOFBilateral inguinal hernias
49M/14 yDel7q31.1111201968–1113040310.10VOUSTGANone
58M/3 yDel22q11.2118919942–214405142.5CausalTOFNone
269F/2 yDup16p11.229673954–301973410.52Potentially causalTOFNone

Age at the time of blood collection; array-CGH: microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization; Del: deletion; Dup: duplication; CNS: central nervous system; CNV: copy number variant; M: male; F: female; TOF: Tetralogy of Fallot; TGA: transposition of great arteries; VOUS: variant of uncertain significance.