Clinical Study

Experience of Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis for Hemophilia at the University Hospital Virgen Del Rocío in Spain: Technical and Clinical Overview

Figure 1

Electropherograms showing the profile of the STR markers throughout the F8 gene and its surrounding regions. Each lane shows the peaks obtained for each marker after the application of the specific multiplex fluorescent PCR method for hemophilia in a couple (lanes 1 and 2) and in the blastomeres biopsied from some of the embryos of their PGD cycle. Each peak corresponds to the PCR product amplification of a marker, whose size depends on the specific number of repeats (the more the repeats the larger the PCR product). The sizes for each marker in each lane are also indicated with numbers. The sizes of the specific combination of alleles linked to the disease, which was identified by a previous informativity testing in the context of the family, are shown in bold and underlined characters (lanes 2 and 4).