Clinical Study

Stem Cell Therapy for Corneal Epithelium Regeneration following Good Manufacturing and Clinical Procedures

Figure 3

Case 17 (Table 1) before and after cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation (CLET). This 52-year-old male suffered a chemical injury in his right eye 5 years earlier. He developed total limbal stem cell deficiency and showed at the initial visit an opaque and vascularized cornea (a) with a conjunctival-like phenotype at in vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) in central cornea (star), with goblet cells (horizontal arrow), inflammatory cells (vertical arrow), and Langerhans cell (circle), (a1). He received an allogeneic cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation (CLET). (b) After 12 months and although his symptoms and ciliary hyperemia had improved, this case was considered a CLET failure as his epithelial phenotype in central cornea (b1) was still conjunctival-like (star), with inflammatory cells (vertical arrow), evaluated by IVCM.