Clinical Study

Stem Cell Therapy for Corneal Epithelium Regeneration following Good Manufacturing and Clinical Procedures

Figure 4

Case 8 (Table 1) before and after cultivated limbal epithelial transplantation (CLET). This 36-year-old man had limbal stem cell deficiency due to a unilateral chemical burn, with vascular pannus invading the visual axis (a). (a1) In vivo confocal microscopy (IVCM) shows a typical conjunctival-like epithelial phenotype in his central cornea (star), with goblet cells (arrow) and fibrosis (black arrowhead). This case was graded preoperatively in terms of visual prognosis as Grade 1, meaning that only cultivated epithelial transplantation (CLET) would be required for visual rehabilitation. After 12 months, this case was considered successful as all clinical signs improved (b) and symptoms decreased and IVCM showed an epithelial corneal phenotype (b1).