Research Article

Sepsis and AKI in Clinical Emergency Room Patients: The Role of Urinary NGAL

Table 1

Patients demographics and clinical characteristics ().

CharacteristicsSeptic patients ()

Male sex (%)97 (57.7)
Age (years)68 ± 15.4
MBP73.3 ± 23
Comorbidities (%)
 Hypertension85 (50.6)
 Diabetes44 (26.1)
 Dyslipidemia18 (10.7)
 Cardiovascular disease50 (29.7)
 Liver disease6 (3.5)
 CKD 12 (7.1)
Baseline creatinine0.82 ± 0.3
Noradrenaline use (%)93 (55.3)
Classification of sepsis (%):
 Sepsis26 (15.4)
 Severe sepsis49 (29.1)
 Septic shock93 (55.3)
Source of infection (%):
 Urine30 (18)
 Lung81 (48.8)
Mechanical ventilation (%)36 (21.4)
Blood transfusion (%)13 (7.7)
Steroids use (%)29 (17.2)
Time for antibiotics administration
 <1 h (%)83 (50.92)
 >1 h (%)80 (49.08)
AKI (%)121 (72.02)
 At admission87 (71.9)
 During hospitalization34 (28.1)
Urine output in 24 h (mL)900 (450–1425)
Urine output (mL/kg/h)0.70 (0.4–1.05)
APACHE II19.67 ± 7.11
Dialysis (%)15 (8.93)
Outcome (%)
 Discharge92 (55.7)
 Death 73 (44.2)

Values expressed as mean and standard deviation or median and interquartile range.
AKI: acute kidney injury, MBP: mean blood pressure, CKD: chronic kidney disease, ATN-ISS: acute tubular necrosis individual severity score, and ICU: intensive care unit.