Research Article

Some Biochemical and Hematological Parameters among Petrol Station Attendants: A Comparative Study

Table 1

Sociodemographic and occupational profiles of study groups.

Characteristic Petrol station attendants (102) Comparison group (102)Test of significance

Age (years)
Mean ± SD
37.6 ± 12.137.4 ± 10.1,


 Illiterate/read and write17 16.710 9.8,
 Primary and above85 83.392 90.2

Marital status
 Unmarried21 20.616 15.7,
 Married81 79.486 84.3

 Rural76 74.580 78.4,
 Urban26 25.522 21.6

Type of contract
 Temporary85 83.381 79.4,
 Permanent17 16.721 20.6

Duration of employment (ys)
Median (min–max)
10 (0.1–40)6.5 (0.4–33),

Current smoking 46 45.1 33 32.4,

Duration of smoking (ys)
Median (min–max)
10 (1.5–40)6 (2–21),

SD = standard deviation.
of Mann Whitney test.
Among smokers.