Clinical Study

Comparison of the Clinical Characteristics and Outcome of Benign and Malignant Eyelid Tumors: An Analysis of 4521 Eyelid Tumors in a Tertiary Medical Center

Table 3

Comparison of demographic, clinical characteristics, and recurrence between benign eyelid tumors and malignant eyelid tumors.

Type of tumorBenign eyelid tumors
Malignant eyelid tumors
Number (%)Number (%)

 Male1976 (49.2)144 (63.4)<0.001
 Female2040 (50.8)83 (36.6)
Mean age (years, range)55.4 ± 20.0 (0.5–100)72.5 ± 12.8 (21–93)<0.001
 Upper only2025 (55.9)83 (40.1)<0.001 (U : L)
 Lower only1558 (42.9)123 (59.4)
 Both45 (1.2)1 (0.5)
 Right only1804 (44.7)95 (43.8)0.33 (R : L)
 Left only1976 (48.9)119 (54.8)
 Bilateral258 (6.4)3 (1.4)
Recurrence189 (4.4)25 (11.0)<0.001

278 patients of benign eyelid tumors had at least two histopathologic diagnoses because of 2 or more lesions in the eyelids, with 4294 lesions among 4016 patients of benign eyelid tumors.
Total number not equal to 100% of cases because of incomplete chart information or data missing.