Review Article

Ouabain-Induced Cytoplasmic Vesicles and Their Role in Cell Volume Maintenance

Figure 3

Liver slices were incubated at 1°C for 90 min and then at 38°C for 15 min in a Cl free medium ( or ) and, finally, were transferred in a Cl containing medium at 38°C for 60 min. (a) Water transport in the presence of ouabain was efficiently prevented by replacement of Cl in the medium with (upper panel) or with (lower panel). (b) At the end of incubation in Cl free medium in the presence of ouabain, the almost complete absence of typical vesicles was evident. (c) Transferring slices from Cl free medium to normal medium produces the appearance of ouabain-induced vesicles. BC = bile canaliculus.