Research Article

Chronotropic Modulation of the Source-Sink Relationship of Sinoatrial-Atrial Impulse Conduction and Its Significance to Initiation of AF: A One-Dimensional Model Study

Figure 1

SAN-atrial AP conduction. (a) Severi et al. rabbit SAN simulated APs sequence. (b) Lindblad et al. rabbit atrial electrically driven AP, simulated at the physiological pacing rate of 355 ms. (c1–c4) Electrical coupling of the two AP models (SAN in red and atrial in black) according to equations system (1), for , and , 850, 700, and 300 MΩ, respectively. (d) Points of the ( and ) plan correspond to different conditions concerning SAN-atrial AP conduction: not pace and not drive (NP&ND, white), pace and drive (P&D, blue), and pace and not drive (P&ND, red). Lower inset: SF calculated with the Leon and Roberge formulation (see Section 3) for . The green double arrows label the same windows in panel (d) and lower inset.