Research Article

Swimming Activity Prevents the Unloading Induced Loss of Bone Mass, Architecture, and Strength in Rats

Figure 4

Unloading caused a significant decrease in the bone volume ratio (BV/TV), trabeculae number (TbN), trabeculae thickness (TbTh), and density of connectivity (Conn Dens) at the proximal tibias of hindlimb-suspended rats when compared to the controls (HS versus Control, ). BV/TV was partially preserved by swimming exercises (HS + Swim versus HS, ; HS + Swim versus HS + WB, ) but not by regular weight bearing (HS versus HS + WB, ). TbN was partially preserved by swimming exercises (HS + Swim versus HS, ; HS + Swim versus HS + WB, ) but not by regular weight bearing (HS versus HS + WB, ). Conn Dens was completely preserved in both the swimming and regular weight-bearing groups ( versus HS; versus Control/Control + Swim). Different signs indicate significant difference ().