Clinical Study

A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial of AJG522 versus Standard PEG + E as Bowel Preparation for Colonoscopy

Table 2

Bowel cleansing efficacy.

AJG522 ( = 32)PEG + E ( = 33)

Bowel condition
 2 hrs*0.013
  Grade A23 (71.9%)14 (42.4%)
  Grade B6 (18.8%)8 (24.2%)
  Grade C1 (3.1%)9 (27.3%)
  Grade D1 (3.1%)0 (0%)
  No defecation1 (3.1%)2 (6.1%)
 3 hrs0.062
  Grade A28 (87.5%)23 (69.7%)
  Grade B4 (12.5%)6 (18.2%)
  Grade C0 (0%)4 (12.1%)
  Grade D0 (0%)0 (0%)
  No defecation0 (0%)0 (0%)
Liquid volume being taken (mL)
 Preparations1000 (1000–2000)2000 (1150–2000)<0.0001
 Water500 (250–1000)0
 Total1500 (1250–3000)2000 (1150–2000)0.088

The bowel cleansing conditions at 2* and 3 hours after taking the preparation.
Liquid volume being taken until the fecal properties reached grade A or B or for 3 hours after taking the preparations was shown in medians and ranges.