Research Article

Prevalence of Active Trachoma and Its Associated Factors among Rural and Urban Children in Dera Woreda, Northwest Ethiopia: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study

Table 2

Face washing and facial condition of children in Dera woreda, Northwest Ethiopia, 2014.

Variables Urban Rural Total

Face wash per day
 Once34 (15.8%)261 (57.2%)295 (44%)
 Twice92 (42.8%)149 (32.7%)241 (35.9%)
 More than two times89 (41.4%)46 (10.1%)135 (20.1%)
Use soap
 Yes149 (69.3%)130 (28.5%)279 (41.6%)
 No66 (30.7%)326 (71.5%)392 (58.4%)
Face washing per day using soap
 Once 70 (47%)92 (70.8%)162 (58.1%)
 Twice36 (24.2%)29 (22.3%)65 (23.3%)
 More than two times43 (28.9%)9 (6.9%)52 (18.6%)
Discharge on the eye
 Yes14 (6.5%)91 (20%)105 (15.6%)
 No201 (93.5%)369 (80%)566 (84.4%)
Condition of the child’s face
 Clean 194 (90.2%)335 (73.5%)529 (78.9%)
 Unclean21 (9.8%)121 (26.5%)142 (21.1%)
Number of flies on the face
 None104 (48.5%)198 (43.5%)302 (45%)
 1–392 (42.7%)187 (41%)279 (41.5%)
 4–717 (7.9%)68 (14.8)85 (12.7%)
 >72 (0.9%)3 (0.7%)5 (0.8)
Zithromax prophylaxis
 None6 (2.3%)5 (1%)11 (1.6%)
 At least one dose210 (97.7%)450 (99.0%)660 (98.4%)