Research Article

Prevalence of Active Trachoma and Its Associated Factors among Rural and Urban Children in Dera Woreda, Northwest Ethiopia: A Comparative Cross-Sectional Study

Table 3

Environmental and housing condition of selected households in Dera woreda, Northwest Ethiopia, 2014.

Variables Urban Rural Total

Travelling time to water source
 Less than 30 minutes214 (99.5%)395 (86.6%)609 (90.8%)
 More than 30 minutes1 (0.5%)61 (15.4%)62 (9.2%)
Solid waste disposal pit
 Yes87 (40.5%)143 (31.4%)230 (34.3%)
 No 128 (59.5%)313 (68.6%)441 (65.7%)
Condition of solid waste disposal pit
 Functional83 (95.4%)117 (81.8%)200 (87%)
 Nonfunctional4 (4.6%)26 (18.2%)30 (13%)
Garbage near the main house
 Yes68 (31.6%)196 (43%)264 (39.3%)
 No 147 (68.4%) 260 (57%)407 (60.7%)
Liquid waste disposal pit
 Yes 70 (32.6%)68 (14.9%)138 (20.6%)
 No145 (67.4%)388 (85.1%)533 (79.4%)
Condition of liquid waste disposal pit
 Functional69 (98.6%)59 (86.8%)128 (92.8%)
 Nonfunctional1 (1.4%)9 (13.2%)10 (7.2%)
Liquid wastes near the main house
 Yes42 (19.5%)137 (30%)179 (26.7%)
 No173 (80.5%)319 (70%)492 (73.3%)
Latrine availability
 Yes 189 (87.9%)280 (61.4%)469 (69.9%)
 No 26 (12.1%)176 (38.6%)202 (30.1%)
Latrine utilization
 Yes 187 (98.9%)241 (86.1%)428 (91.2%)
 No 2 (1.1%)39 (13.9%)41 (8.74%)
Who uses the latrine in the families
 Only adults 56 (29.9%)76 (31.5%)132 (30.8%)
 Adults and children131 (70.1%)165 (68.5%)296 (69.2%)
Human faces around the main house
 Yes22 (10.2%)112 (24.6%)134 (20%)
 No193 (89.8%)344 (75.4%)537 (80%)