Research Article

Low-Rank and Sparse Matrix Decomposition for Genetic Interaction Data

Table 2

Clustering results.
(a) GO slim as benchmark gene set

# Clusters Low-rank matrixOriginal matrix
JC-index # Enriched@ JC-index # Enriched@

200 0.063 190 0.022 46
150 0.070 138 0.032 44
100 0.084 90 0.050 50
50 0.088 30 0.067 24

(b) GO BP FAT as benchmark gene set

# Clusters Low-rank matrix Original matrix
JC-index # Enriched@ JC-index # Enriched@

200 0.137 183 0.044 47
150 0.147 142 0.058 50
100 0.155 96 0.091 52
50 0.131 34 0.078 26

@: hypergeometric test applied to test the enrichment of gene sets. Significance level: FDR 0.05. # Cluster: the number of clusters to cut off the hierarchical clustering tree. # Enriched: the number of modules predicted by hierarchical clustering enriched in the GO iterms.