Research Article

Khat (Catha edulis Forsk.) Dependence Potential and Pattern of Use in Saudi Arabia

Table 3

Pattern of Khat chewing among the study sample.


Age of starting Khat chewing (years) 18.53.16932
Chewing experience (years)15.139.582149
Postsession effect of Khat (time in hours)2.231.4115
Chewing specific type of Khat (; %)(9; 1.5%)
Ethnopharmacological uses of Khat (; %)(12; 2.0%)
Frequency of Khat chewing (; %)ā€‰
More than once a day19 (3.2%)
Daily228 (38.5%)
More than once a week214 (36.1%)
Once a month47 (7.9%)
Irregularly84 (14.2%)