Research Article

Khat (Catha edulis Forsk.) Dependence Potential and Pattern of Use in Saudi Arabia

Table 5

Modeling of Khat of dependence using stepwise logistic regression (SLR).

Variables SEWald valueOdd ratio95.0% CI for OR

 Urban (ref.)1
Frequency of Khat chewing
 Irregularly (ref.) 16.180.001
 More than once a week1.140.3014.
 Once a month0.950.3010.210.002.601.454.66
Age of starting Khat chewing0.140.0321.990.
Time of Khat effect0.

Modeling of Khat dependence was based on DAST-10 categorization (0 for problem and 1 for moderate level).
Hosmer and Lemeshow goodness of fit test ;  ; −2 Log likelihood ratio = 723.377.
: regression coefficient; SE: standard error of .