Research Article

Silencing of Eag1 Gene Inhibits Osteosarcoma Proliferation and Migration by Targeting STAT3-VEGF Pathway

Figure 5

Eag1 knockdown downregulates STAT3-VEGF expression in vitro. (a) 27 mer siRNA duplexes for human Eag1 or trilencer-27 universal scrambled negative control siRNA duplex was transfected into MG-63 cells. Two days later the cells were harvested and subjected to Western blot using VEGF and STAT3 antibodies. Transfection with Eag1 siRNAs resulted in reduced VEGF and STAT3 expression. (b) Similar results were observed in Saos-2 cells transfected with Eag1 siRNAs. , versus scrambled siRNA group.