Research Article

Estradiol Valerate Pretreatment in Short Protocol GnRH-Agonist Cycles versus Combined Pretreatment with Oral Contraceptive Pills in Long Protocol GnRH-Agonist Cycles: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Table 1

Characteristics of the treatment groups.

VariableLong agonist protocol with OC pretreatmentShort agonist protocol with vaginal estradiol pretreatment value

Number of subjects154144
Number of cycles 157158
Mean (SD) age32.5 (3.97)32.5 (2.96)0.68
95% CI (31.9–33.1) (32.1–33.1)
BMI (kg/m2) (SD)22.2 (1.3)22.4 (1.1)0.16
Tubal factor (%)44 (27.5)47 (29.9)
Male factor (%)58 (36.2)55 (35.0)
Anovulation (%)28 (17.5)23 (14.6)
Unexplained (%)30 (18.8)32 (20.4)
Mean (SD) duration of infertility (years)4.2 (2.8)4.3 (2.9)0.82
AMH (SD) (ng/mL)3.2 (2.5)3.3 (2.9)0.97
95% CI (2.8–3.5) (2.9–3.8)
Inhibin B (SD)60.9 (42.3)67.2 (37.4)0.14
95% CI (52.3–69.5) (60.8–73.4)
Basal FSH (SD)7.4 (2.3)8.1 (2.1)0.32
Basal LH (SD)7.2 (1.8)7.1 (1.6)0.23
Basal E2 (SD)47.1 (13.2)47.5 (11.1)0.71
DHEA-S (SD)204.6 (20.3)207.5 (17.8)0.57
Testosterone (SD)1.3 (0.6)1.6 (0.4)0.07
SHBG (SD)81.3 (18.4)67.9 (21.3)0.11
AFC (SD)17.4 (10.1)18.8 (12.5)0.58
95% CI (15.9–19.1) (16.7–20.8)

Values are (%) or means ± SDs. AMH: anti-Müllerian hormone; BMI: body mass index; AFC: antral follicle count; DHEA-S: dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate; SHBG: steroid hormone-binding globulin.