Research Article

Substance P Receptor Antagonism: A Potential Novel Treatment Option for Viral-Myocarditis

Figure 4

Effect of aprepitant or fasudil treatment on cardiomyocyte diameter in viral-myocarditis. Cardiomyocyte diameter (μm) at the nucleus was determined in hearts of EMCV uninfected mice and infected mice, with and without aprepitant or fasudil treatment. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM (cardiomyocyte diameter of, , uninfected versus infected, †, infected, with versus without aprepitant pretreatment, ‡, infected, with versus without aprepitant posttreatment, δ, uninfected versus infected, with aprepitant pretreatment, γ, uninfected versus infected, with aprepitant posttreatment, ¥, uninfected versus infected, with fasudil pretreatment and, §, uninfected versus infected, with fasudil posttreatment, ( for all ANOVA) (–9)).