Research Article

Sensitive Detection of Thirteen Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Agents Using Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction

Figure 1

Electrophoretic analysis of the amplified fragments by using M-PCR in 8% polyacrylamide gels. Positive control (C). (a) M-PCR assay 1: C1: Gardnerella vaginalis (330 base pairs-bp); C2: Megasphaera type I (211 pb); C3: Mycoplasma hominis (270 pb); C4: Mobiluncus curtisii (130 pb); C5: Bacteroides fragilis (842 pb); C6: Ureaplasma urealyticum (541 pb); A1: positive sample for B. fragilis, G. vaginalis and M. hominis; A2: positive sample for . type I and M. curtisii; A3: positive sample for U. urealyticum and G. vaginalis; A4: positive sample for G. vaginalis; A5: positive sample for . type I (211 pb); A6: negative control. (b) M-PCR assay 2: C1: BVAB 1 (90 bp); C2: BVAB 2 (260 pb); C3: Atopobium vaginae (155 pb); A1: positive sample for BVAB 1; A2: positive sample for BVAB 2; A3: positive sample for A. vaginae; A4: positive sample for BVAB 2 and BVAB 1; A5: positive sample for A. vaginae and BVAB 1; A6: positive sample for BVAB 2 and A. vaginae; A7: positive sample of BVAB 2, A. vaginae and BVAB 1; A8: negative control. (c) M-PCR assay 3: C1: Sneathia sanguinegens (102 bp); C2: BVAB 3 (160 pb); C3: Mobiluncus mulieris (80 pb); C4: Mycoplasma genitalium (193 pb); A1: positive sample for S. sanguinegens (102 bp); A2: positive sample for BVAB 3; A3: positive sample of Mobiluncus mulieris; A4: positive sample of M. genitalium; A5: positive sample of BVAB 3 and M. mulieris; A6: positive sample for BVAB 3 and S. sanguinegens; A7: negative control. Lanes M1: molecular weight marker (100 bp); M2: molecular weight marker (25 bp).
(a) M-PCR assay 1
(b) M-PCR assay 2
(c) M-PCR assay 3