Research Article

The Association between Serum LDL Cholesterol and Genetic Variation in Chromosomal Locus 1p13.3 among Coronary Artery Disease Patients

Figure 2

Logistic regression analysis of the factors involved as confounding factors on the response variable of the significant lesion (≥50%) versus nonsignificant stenosis (<50%) in all ACS patients. Data are presented as odds ratio and 95% CI. Data show the effects of CVD risk factors (genetic variants (in their dominant model)) in interaction with traditional CVD risks including the following variables: old age above 60, male gender, +obesity, +DM, +hypertension, +smoker, +hyper-LDL-C above desirable level, and statin treatment on severity of significant stenosis of the coronaries in the study subjects. Two-tailed P value is significant < 0.05.