Research Article

Using Electronic Health Records to Support Clinical Trials: A Report on Stakeholder Engagement for EHR4CR

Table 4

Use of the EHR4CR platform for trial execution.


Do you think that this scenario would be accepted by your institution (or an institution in your country if you are not based in a healthcare institution)/do you think that this scenario would be approved by an ethics committee in your country?Yes
26 (70)
4 (11)
5 (14)
18 (49)
10 (27)
5 (14)

Indicate your agreement/disagreement with the statement that “this approach to facilitating trial conduct would enhance the quality of clinical trials.”Strongly Agree 01 (33)
Agree 1 (33)0
Neither2 (67)0
Disagree02 (67)
Strongly Disagree00

Do you think that this scenario would create ethical/information governance concerns at your institution (or an institution in your country if you are not based in a healthcare institution)?Yes
8 (24)
24 (71)
1 (3)
16 (47)
14 (41)
2 (6)

Indicate how much you would support the statement that “extraction of data automatically from the electronic patient record into a trial database would reduce workloads and save time of healthcare institution employees.”Strongly Agree
19 (56)
8 (24)
3 (9)
2 (6)
Strongly Disagree


Do you think that this scenario could create concerns that the additional information might be misunderstood by other physicians treating the patient due to unfamiliar measurements or measurements obtained by unfamiliar methods?24 (65)9 (24)1 (3)

Do you think that this scenario would create fewer concerns if the additional information was separated from the usual patient record?22 (59)8 (22)4 (11)

Scenario F: extraction of data from the patient record.
Scenario G: transfer of trial specific data to the patient’s electronic record.