Clinical Study

Immunomodulatory Effects of the Agaricus blazei Murrill-Based Mushroom Extract AndoSan in Patients with Multiple Myeloma Undergoing High Dose Chemotherapy and Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation: A Randomized, Double Blinded Clinical Study

Figure 1

Effect of AndoSan on the proliferation of a murine multiple myeloma cell line in vitro. Proliferation of MOPC315.BM cells was assessed by 3H-labelled thymidine incorporation in the presence of different AndoSan concentrations (1.25%–20%). Results are expressed in percentage of proliferation (mean ± SD) relative to MOPC315.BM cells cultured without AndoSan (= 100%) and represent 3 independent experiments. Within each experiment, proliferation was assessed in triplicate. *, **, and *** (unpaired Student’s t-test).