Research Article

The Correlations between Health-Related Quality of Life Changes and Pain and Anxiety in Orthodontic Patients in the Initial Stage of Treatment

Table 3

Means (SD) and correlation analysis results of VAS scores and state anxiety scores in the study subject.

怀1st day2nd day3rd day7th day14th day30th day

VAS59 (28)53 (31)36 (35)6 (16)1 (5)0 (2)
State anxiety38 (15)38 (17)36 (15)31 (13)30 (15)31 (14)
0.171 0.246 0.189 0.310 0.333 0.125

Analysis of the relevance between VAS scores and state anxiety scores on each observation point by Spearman rank correlation.
The rank correlation coefficients were statistically significant ().