Research Article

Male Partners’ Involvement in the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Associated Factors in Arba Minch Town and Arba Minch Zuria Woreda, Southern Ethiopia

Table 2

Level of involvement of the study participants in ANC activities in Arba Minch town and Zuria woreda, southern Ethiopia, 2014.

VariablesRespondent’s response
Yes: (%) No: (%)

Ever attended ANC with partner359 (51.3)341 (48.7)
Knows partner's ANC appointments415 (59.3)283 (40.4)
Provides financial support to partner to attend ANC685 (97.9)15 (2.1)
Discusses with partner HIV testing409 (58.4)291 (41.6)
Do you accept if health professionals inform you to use condom during the time of your wife’s pregnancy334 (47.7)366 (52.3)
Ever tested for HIV in ANC clinic375 (53.6)325 (46.4)
Involved in PMTCT (having score of 4–6)371 (53)
Not involved in MPTCT (having score of 0–3)329 (47)