Research Article

Guidelines for Optimisation of a Multiplex Oligonucleotide Ligation-PCR for Characterisation of Microbial Pathogens in a Microsphere Suspension Array

Table 1

Test and reference conditions for the optimisation experiments.

ConditionPreparatory workMultiplex oligonucleotide ligationPCRHybridisation and analysis on MAGPIX
DNA isolationa   Probe concentration
Taq DNA ligase (units)  Initial denaturation
Ligation product volume
Taq DNA polymerase
   Cycles PCR product volume (µL) Microspheres per
SAPE concentration
Reporter dye

Experiment30010050IGM12524246510350.250.535402.55all3507502500 4 10SAPEAlexa 532

1Rnslslsxxxxxxxxx xx
2xgsRgsxxxxxxxx xx
3xxRgsRgsgsxxxxxx xx
4xxxxRlsxxxxx xx
5xxxxxRnsxxxx xx
6xxxxxxRgsxxx xx
7xxxxxxxRgsxx xx
8xxxxxxxxRlslsx xx
9xxxxxxxxxlslsRls Rx
10xxxxxxxxxx xRgs

R: reference condition; x: condition used in experiment; ns: test condition which is not significant at in two-sided hypothesis test; ls: test condition which is significant at in one-sided hypothesis test with alternative hypothesis true location shift is less than 0; gs: test condition which is significant at in one-sided hypothesis test with alternative hypothesis true location shift is greater than 0; bold type: optimal condition as concluded from the experiment.
a300: single colony in 300 µL sterile deionised water; 100: single colony in 100 µL sterile deionised water; 50: single colony in 50 µL sterile deionised water; IGM: InstaGene Matrix.