Review Article

Atrial Fibrillation and Fibrosis: Beyond the Cardiomyocyte Centric View

Figure 6

Impulse conduction in myofibroblasts coated cardiomyocyte strands. (a) Same as Figure 3(a) for optical action potential recording in a pure (left) and αSMA positive myofibroblasts (green) coated cardiomyocyte strand (right). Heterocellular construct shows a reduced conduction velocity (249 mm/s) compared to control (436 mm/s, ). (b) Overall analysis of conduction velocity and maximal diastolic potential related to MFBs density calculated as number of cells per measurement area. Left: conduction velocity denotes biphasic behaviour due to the supernormal sodium based conduction follow gradual depolarization that occurs from the increment of myofibroblasts density. Right: myofibroblasts reduce maximal diastolic potential in a cell density-dependent manner (modified with permission from [7]).