Review Article

Identification of Human Herpesvirus 8 Sequences in Conjunctiva Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Ugandan Patients

Table 2

Distribution of known variables between conjunctival neoplasia cases and controls.

neoplastic tissues
control tissue
N = 72 (%)N = 60 (%)

Sex 0.724
 M31 (43.1)24 (40.0)
 F41 (56.9)36 (60.0)

Age 0.584
 ≤30 years31 (43.1)23 (38.3)
 >30 years41 (56.9)37 (61.7)

HHV8 PCR0.034
 Positive14 (19.4)4 (6.7)
 Negative58 (80.5)56 (93.3)

HIV serology0.004
 Positive48 (66.7)15 (38.5)
 Negative24 (33.3)24 (61.5)

Two pingueculae, 1 pterygium, and 1 papilloma of the conjunctiva were included in the control group.
21 control subjects with undetermined HIV serology were not included.