Research Article

Cortical Structural Connectivity Alterations in Primary Insomnia: Insights from MRI-Based Morphometric Correlation Analysis

Figure 5

Between-group comparison of structural covariance seeded from the right primary auditory cortex (PAC). (a) Structural covariance maps in healthy controls (HC) and patients with primary insomnia (PI). Seed region is colored in blue. (b) Increased right PAC-cortical network covariance in PI. Patients showed significantly increased correlation with the right medial motor area (PCL/SMA) (, RFT-cluster corrected); and trends of increased correlations with the left postcentral gyrus, the left medial motor area (PCL/SMA), the left cuneus, the precuneus/PCC, the vmPFC, the right MCC, the right OLF, the right inferior temporal cortex, and the right posterior insula (, uncorrected). (c) Decreased right PAC-cortical network covariance in PI. Patients showed trends of decreased correlations of the right PAC with the IFGoperc, the IPC, the LTC, and the right lateral PFC (, uncorrected). Scatter plots illustrate slope differences in selected vertices, where adjusted cortical thickness values and regression lines are shown in red for patients and in blue for controls.