Review Article

Are Endothelial Progenitor Cells the Real Solution for Cardiovascular Diseases? Focus on Controversies and Perspectives

Table 3

EPCs therapeutic applications.

Preclinical studies in animal modelsReferences

Therapeutic approaches and effects
Animal models
 Rat model of myocardial infarctionIntravenous injection of exvivo expanded human CD34+ cells improves left ventricular function[46]
 Swine model of myocardial infarctionCatheter-based intramyocardial transplantation of EPCs leads to encouraging outcome[47, 48]
 Rat model of diabetesInfusion of invivo expanded human EPCs augments conduction velocity and blood flow in sciatic nerve[49]
 Rat model of chronic cerebral ischemiaInjection of CD34+ HSC cells (including EPCs) improves neurological functions[50]
Macacus rhesusSkin autograft of CD34+ cells transfected with recombinant nonreplicative Herpes virus vector results in vector-gene expression and determines an increase in local angiogenesis[51]

Clinical trials in humans
Pathological CVD conditions
 Myocardial infarctionEndovenous administration of G-CSF as mobilizing factor for BM-derived progenitor cells improves left ventricular function[52]
Intracoronary infusion of BM-derived progenitor cells improves left ventricular function (TOPCARE-AMI and BOOST trials)[5355]
 Diffuse coronary heart disease and angina pectorisTransepicardial and transendocardial injection of unfractioned BM cells improve left ventricular function and physical capacity[5962]
 Chronic limb ischemia Direct administration of EPCs determines a reduced rate of limb’s amputation at three-year follow-up[63, 64]

Autologous EPCs application
Pathological CVD conditions
 Chronic limb ischemiaIntramuscular injection of autologous BM-derived mononuclear cells containing 1% of CD34+ cells determines a local increase in endothelial markers (CD133 and VE-cadherin) [65, 66]
 Symptomatic coronary atherosclerosisAdministration of autologous EPCs expanded for four days in culture improves endothelial function and wall motion abnormalities, showing a benefic effect on the metabolism in the target area[67]
 Chronic limb ischemiaIntramuscular injection of autologous BM mononuclear cells improves local neovascularization (TACT study) and significantly lowers amputation rate at 3-year follow-up[64]