Research Article

Clinical Significance of Cannabinoid Receptors CB1 and CB2 Expression in Human Malignant and Benign Thyroid Lesions

Table 1

Associations of CB1 and CB2 expression with patients’ age and gender, type of histopathology, and Ki-67 protein statement in 87 patients with thyroid lesions.

Clinicopathological characteristicsCB1 expressionCB2 expression
LowHigh valueLowHigh value

56 (64%)31 (36%)55 (63%)32 (37%)
Age (mean SD; yrs)0.45840.7620
 Female46 (53%)27 (31%)47 (54%)26 (30%)
 Male10 (11%)4 (5%)8 (9%)6 (7%)
Histopathology ()0.00100.0005
 Benign35 (40%)8 (10%)35 (40%)8 (9%)
 Malignant21 (24%)23 (26%)20 (23%)24 (28%)
Histopathology ()0.00970.0110
 Hyperplastic nodules29 (38%)8 (10%)30 (39%)7 (9%)
 Papillary carcinoma20 (26%)20 (26%)18 (23%)22 (29%)
Ki-67 protein statement0.50510.3087
 Below mean value45 (52%)23 (26%)47 (54%)21 (24%)
 Over mean value11 (12%)8 (10%)8 (9%)11 (13%)