Research Article

The Protective Effect of Melatonin on Neural Stem Cell against LPS-Induced Inflammation

Figure 2

The measurement of apoptotic cells after melatonin treatment in LPS-induced inflammation. (a) Apoptotic and live cells were measured using Hoechst/PI staining. PI-positive cells (red) indicate apoptotic cells and Hoechst-positive cells (blue) indicate live cells. The LPS (100 ng/mL) treatment group had increased numbers of PI-positive cells compared to the normal control group. The melatonin (100 nM) treatment group showed decreased numbers of PI-positive cells compared to the LPS treatment group. The LPS (100 ng/mL) plus melatonin (100 nM) group had fewer PI-positive cells compared to the LPS only treatment group. Scale bar: 200 μm, blue: Hoechst 33342 (Hoechst), and red: propidium iodide (PI). (b) The number of viable cells was evaluated using WST-8 assay. The melatonin treatment increased the number of viable cells compared to the normal control group and also protected the cell death under LPS-induced inflammation condition. Data were expressed as mean ± S.E.M, and each experiment included 4 repeats per condition. Differences were considered significant at (compared to the control group).