Research Article

Putative Epimutagens in Maternal Peripheral and Cord Blood Samples Identified Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells

Figure 3

Exposure to single or multiple chemicals. (a) After 96 h exposure to either of the 10 chemicals that did not affect heterochromatin formation in mESCs at their serum levels (1x) or 10-fold higher level than serum concentrations (10x), the number of HP1α signals (red) was counted using ImageJ software. The upper panel shows images of cells exposed to 1x chemicals; the number of signals is shown as a box plot in the lower panel. Statistical comparisons of signal number were performed using the Wilcoxon test. . Scale bar = 10 μm. (b) Effects of exposing hiPSCs to groups of chemicals on heterochromatin formation. Cells were treated with serum concentrations of combinations of chemicals belonging to groups A–E for 96 h, and the heterochromatin status was evaluated by counting the number of HP1α signals. . All heterochromatin analyses were performed twice independently.