Research Article

A Linear-RBF Multikernel SVM to Classify Big Text Corpora

Algorithm 1

Hierarchical clustering algorithm (pseudocode).
Input: is a dataset matrix
    LMS is a set of linkage methods
Result: Best agglomeration correspondence
(01) Truncate ();
(02) dmatrix CalculateDistances ();
(03) bestAgglomeration ;
(04) ccoef 0;
(05) foreachlinkage method lm of the set LMS do
(06)   linkageLevelList ;
(07)   while Size (dmatrix) > 0 do
(08)    linkageResult ComputeLevelLinkage (lm, dmatrix);
(09)    linkageLevelList linkageLevelList    {LinkageResult};
(10)    UpdateDistanceMatrix (dmatrix, linkageResult);
(11)   Restore (dmatrix);
(12)   ccoefAux CompCopheneticMatrix (linkageLevelList, dmatrix);
(13)   if ccoef < ccoefAux then
(14)    ccoef ccoefAux;
(15)    bestAgglomeration linkageLevelList;
(16) return bestAgglomeration