Review Article

Trends in IT Innovation to Build a Next Generation Bioinformatics Solution to Manage and Analyse Biological Big Data Produced by NGS Technologies

Table 1

Commonly used scientific Workflow Management software.

Platform nameInitial creatorLicenseBioinfoWebsite

GalaxyEmory University (USA) and Penn State University (USA)Free ()+++

KDEInforsense (UK)Commercial++

KeplerUC Davis, UC San Diego, and UC Santa Barbara (USA)Free+/−

KnimeUniversity of Konstanz (Germany)Free and commercial++

Pipeline PilotAccelrys (USA)Commercial+++

Taverna workbenchEBI (UK)Free+++

VIBEIncogen (USA)Commercial++

Columns “Bioinfo” show the level of use of these tools in bioinformatics. The “+++” indicates that the software is used by many teams, “++” indicates the software is starting to be used and “+/−” indicates that very few teams use this software in this field, and “−” the software has not been used yet in that field. The “” sign indicates that some additional fees are required for access to third parties services such as cloud platform.