Research Article

A Practical and Scalable Tool to Find Overlaps between Sequences

Algorithm 2

Constructing the tree without sorting the sequences.
(1) Function Traversetree(node )
(2) for each branch in node   do
(3)  Traversetree()
(4)  if   is the first child then
(5)   update the lower bound of
(6)  else
(7)   update the upper bound of
(8)  end if
(9) end for
(10) if   is a leaf then
(11) temp = listlower bound of
(12) sorted[counter] = lower bound of
(13) lower bound of = counter
(14) counter++
(15) for each item in temp do
(16)  sorted[counter] =
(17)  counter++
(18) end for
(19) Upper bound of = counter-1
(20) end if
(21) End Function