Research Article

Activation of Apoptotic Signal in Endothelial Cells through Intracellular Signaling Molecules Blockade in Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis

Table 2

EC phenotype classification and fate for inhibition of each intracellular signaling molecule before blood flow. The four combinations of Cadherin and Rac are shown in the top row. The row corresponding to “None” shows the cell phenotype when no molecule is blocked and EC fate is considered as wild type. The third row shows abbreviation of each phenotype. P stands for proliferation, A stands for apoptosis, M stands for motility, and L stands for lumen formation. One and 0 in each row determine activation and deactivation of each cell phenotype. The last column is EC fate.

Blocked signaling molecule ITG = 1,
RTK = 1,
Cadherin = 0,
Rac = 0
ITG = 1,
RTK = 1,
Cadherin = 0,
Rac = 1
ITG = 1,
RTK = 1,
Cadherin = 1,
Rac = 0
ITG = 1,
RTK = 1,
Cadherin = 1,
Rac = 1
EC fate
EC phenotype classification

None1000101100000011Wild type
Raf-10010101100100011Not specified
MEK10010001100100011Not specified
ERK1/20010001100100011Not specified
Rac11000100000000000Unable to migrate
GSK-3β1000101100000011Not specified
Bad1000101100000011Not specified
β-catenin0000001100000011Unable to proliferate
p531000101100000011Wild type
PTEN1000101100000011Wild type
RhoA1000101100000011Wild type
ROCK1000101100000011Wild type
Actin1000100100000001Unable to migrate
Cyclin D10000001100000011Unable to proliferate
Src1000101000000010Unable to form lumen
Pak/Par1000101000000010Unable to form lumen