Review Article

Biotechnological and Agronomic Potential of Endophytic Pink-Pigmented Methylotrophic Methylobacterium spp.

Table 2

Omics studies in the Methylobacterium genus.


M. extorquens AM1 ProteomeIdentify a PhyR stress regulator during phyllosphere colonization using 2D analysis.[59]
M. extorquens AM1 ProteomeProteomic comparison under single carbon (methanol) and multicarbon (succinate) growth in a gel free quantitative proteomic assay.[134]
M. extorquens AM1 ProteomeCytosolic protein differentially modulated under single carbon (methanol) and multicarbon (succinate) growth.[135]
M. extorquens AM1 ProteomeCompare wild type with M. extorquens AM1 lacking isocitrate lyase (the key enzyme in the glyoxylate cycle) during growth on acetate, which was replaced by ethylmalonyl-CoA pathway.[138]
M. extorquens DM4 ProteomeDifferential proteomic analysis of cultures grown with DCM and with methanol elucidates growth metabolism in the presence of DCM.[26]
M. extorquens CM4 Proteome and genomeComparison of growth with one-carbon substrates: chloromethane and methanol, reporting the genes required for chloromethane utilization.[140]
M. extorquens AM1 ProteogenomeRefined the annotation of protein coding genes and discover genes in M. extorquens AM1 genome.[132]
M. extorquens AM1 MetabolomicAnalyze the metabolites produced during single carbon (methanol) and multicarbon (succinate) growth, providing clues to new pathways that are specifically linked to C1 metabolism.[136]
M. extorquens AM1 MetabolomicMetabolites produced by M. extorquens AM1 grown on two carbon sources, ethylamine (C2) and succinate (C4) using LC-based and GC-based methods showing differences in in pathways linked to C2 and C4 metabolism.[137]
M. extorquens AM1 TranscriptomeValidate a microarray plataform comparing genes expressed during single carbon (methanol) and multicarbon (succinate) growth, pointing candidate genes in C1 metabolism.[133]
M. extorquens AM1 TranscriptomeElucidates the regulation of general stress regulator (PhyR) using microarray.[139]
M. extorquens AM1 e DM4 Genome comparisonGenome comparison of M. extorquens strain AM1 (reference strain) and the dichloromethane-degrading strain DM4 concluding that rearrangements and horizontal gene transfer resulted in a great genomic plasticity.[128]
Methylobacterium strainsGenome announcementSix Methylobacterium strains adapted to different plant-associated niches and environmental: M. extorquens (PA1, CM4. BJ001), M. radiotolerans (JCM2831), M. nodulans (ORS2060), and Methylobacterium sp. 4-46[130]
M. mesophilicum SR1.6/6 Genome announcementEndophytic bacterium isolated from a surface-sterilized Citrus sinensis.[127]
Methylobacterium sp. GXF4 Genome announcementA xylem-associated bacterium isolated from Vitis vinifera L. grapevine.[43]