Clinical Study

Intramuscular Administration of Drotaverine Hydrochloride Decreases Both Incidence of Urinary Retention and Time to Micturition in Orthopedic Patients under Spinal Anesthesia: A Single Blinded Randomized Study

Table 4

Summary of analyzed data of men in the study group (group I) and control group (group II).

VariableStudy group (I)Control group (II)

Age, in years30 (29–32)29 (28–32)
Height, in cm180 (179-180)180 (180–182)
Body mass, in kg89 (86–91)88 (84–91)
Dose of local anesthetic, in mg17.5 (17.5-17.5)17.5 (17.5-17.5)
Level of anesthesia, thoracic dermatome10 (10-10)10 (10-10)
Duration of anesthesia, in minutes365 (335–405)380 (348–413)
Volume of crystalloids transfused during surgery, in mL1500 (1500–2000)1500 (1500–2000)
Volume of crystalloids transfused after surgery, in mL1500 (1500-1500)1500 (1500-1500)
Time to onset of discomfort/pain, in minutes320 (230–400)310 (235–390)
Duration of discomfort/pain, in minutes60 (55–70)85 (30–90)
Time to micturition, in minutes425 (395–460)518 (438–563)
Time to urinary bladder catheterization, in minutes361 (248–475)296 (212–380)
Duration of surgery, in minutes60 (55–65)60 (55–70)

Data are presented as mean/95% confidence intervals for mean (data with normal distribution) or median/95% confidence intervals for median (data violating normality assumption).