Research Article

Bayesian Estimation of the True Prevalence and of the Diagnostic Test Sensitivity and Specificity of Enteropathogenic Yersinia in Finnish Pig Serum Samples

Table 2

Estimates of the posterior distributions of the prevalence of enteropathogenic Yersinia in serum at pig and herd level. Estimates were obtained based on a systematic review of the literature and used for building the model in the second step.

SampleParameterMedian (95% PI)Beta distribution

SerumHerd prevalence0.879 (0.418–0.994)4.1571.435
Pig prevalence slaughter-age pigs0.883 (0.694–0.992)16.4613.049
Pig prevalence sows0.901 (0.469–0.995)4.7791.415

PI: the 95% probability intervals.
aInformation obtained from the validation report of the commercial ELISA test.
bSpecificity value of 1 was replaced by a most likely value of 0.9.