Clinical Study

Acute Effects of Alcohol on the Human Brain: A Resting-State fMRI Study

Table 3

Brain regions with significant differences of functional connectivity are shown between high and low BrAC group (, 18 voxels, AlphaSim corrected).

Brain regionsVoxels (MNI) (MNI) (MNI) value

High BrAC < low BrAC group
 Hippocampal gyrusR4624−18−27−3.7115
 Rectus gyrusL18015−24−3.8389
 Superior temporal gyrusR21450−15−3.7535
 Fusiform gyrusR1842−30−21−4.5647
 Superior temporal gyrusL44−45−6−15−3.8467
 Superior frontal lobeR2564833−4.248
High BrAC > low BrAC group
 Cingulate gyrusR22156456.7489
 Superior frontal lobeL31−921515.2161
 Medial frontal lobeL35−276334.1768

MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute; L: left; R: right.
, , and : coordinates of primary peak locations in the MNI space.
A positive value indicates increased ReHo/ALFF, and a negative value indicates decreased ReHo/ALFF.