Research Article

New Prognostic Score for the Prediction of 30-Day Outcome in Spontaneous Supratentorial Cerebral Haemorrhage

Table 4

Example 1 for the use of SUSPEKT score.

FactorValue in patient ()Coefficient ()Multiply by ()

SU: serum glucose (mmol/L)8.0970.1055040.854244
: relative total haematoma volume0.02768.947671.845598
: admission systolic BP (mm Hg)174.7280.0030430.53161
: intraventricular blood (no = 0, yes = 1)0.4160.4411980.183538
: serum potassium (mmol/L)4.054−19.2919−78.2126
Serum potassium squared ([mmol/L]2)16.4362.32960738.28992
: age (years)67.1680.0400572.690528
Constant term133.5422833.54228

Calculate by summing all values →−0.2749= sbx
Use the formula /0.431706= pr

The final multiple logistic regression model showed statistically significant associations with 30-day case fatality for a number of variables. An example of the SUSPEKT scoring system is presented. Values of represent means observed in the present study, hence the decimal fraction for intraventricular haemorrhage; denotes Euler’s number. Enter patient’s values and derive probability (pr) using the coefficients and follow the instructions.