Research Article

Rapamycin Protects from Type-I Peritoneal Membrane Failure Inhibiting the Angiogenesis, Lymphangiogenesis, and Endo-MT

Figure 3

Treatment with Rapamycin diminished lymphangiogenesis, improving peritoneal ultrafiltration rate. (a) The diaphragm was stained with podoplanin to analyze the side of the peritoneal cavity. Immunohistochemical staining of podoplanin reveals an increase of submesothelial lymphatic vessels during PDF exposition, while this lymphangiogenesis is reduced with Rapamycin. Images were taken with a 10x objective. Insets below show a detail of the part selected with a square in each picture. (b) Submesothelial count of lymphatic vessels (podoplanin positive staining). Rapamycin showed significantly lower number of lymphatic vessels than the PDF group and similar to controls (, one-way ANOVA test). (c) A 30-minute UF test was performed on the last day of treatments. The volumes recovered from animals exposed to PD fluid are lower than those from control mice and an increase of net UF is obtained in mice exposed to PD fluid that were administrated Rapamycin. A significance of was obtained with the analysis of variance test.