Research Article

Exposure to p,p′-DDE Induces Morphological Changes and Activation of the PKCα-p38-C/EBPβ Pathway in Human Promyelocytic HL-60 Cells

Figure 3

Absence of nonspecific esterase and mature cell surface markers in HL-60 cells exposed to p,p-DDE. (a) Representative images of nonspecific esterase staining of HL-60 cells exposed to p,p′-DDE for 120 h. (b) Flow cytometry representative histograms of CD14 and CD16 expression in HL-60 cells exposed for 120 h to p,p-DDE. (c) The percentages of cells expressing CD14 or CD16 were detected by flow cytometry analyses. The data represent the mean ± SEM of three different experiments. Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s post hoc test.