Research Article

Interactions between CYP11B2 Promoter Methylation and Smoking Increase Risk of Essential Hypertension

Table 2

GMDR models of high-order gene-environment interaction in CYP11B2 promoter on EH risk.

ModelTraining balanced accuracyTesting balanced accuracySign test ()Cross-validation consistency

CpG20.560.453 (0.945)6/10
CpG3, smoking0.610.527 (0.172)6/10
CpG1, CpG3, drinking0.640.495 (0.623)5/10
CpG1, CpG3, CpG4, smoking0.680.609 (0.011)10/10
CpG1, CpG3, CpG4, smoking, drinking0.720.537 (0.172)8/10
CpG1, CpG2, CpG3, CpG4, smoking, drinking0.750.516 (0.377)10/10

value was adjusted for age, gender, BMI, triglycerides, HDL, BUA, and Hcy using logistic regression in GMDR analysis.
GMDR: generalized multifactor dimensionality reduction; BMI: body mass index; TG: triglycerides; HDL: high-density lipoprotein; BUA: blood uric acid; Hcy: homocysteine.