Research Article

Association between the Achievement of Target Range CKD-MBD Markers and Mortality in Prevalent Hemodialysis Patients in Taiwan by Using the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes Clinical Guidelines

Table 3

Odds ratio of all-cause and cardiovascular (CV) mortality by achievement of KDIGO clinical guideline, Ca target.

OR (95% CI)
Model 1Model 2Model 3

Ca (mg/dL), all-cause
<7.92.41 (1.22~4.77)0.013.24 (1.19~8.80)0.027.11 (1.25~40.3)0.02
>9.91.51 (0.92~2.48)0.101.56 (0.88~2.77)0.131.46 (0.77~2.78)0.24

Ca (mg/dL), CV
<7.92.02 (0.60~6.83)0.250.67 (0.08~5.73)0.710.71 (0.06~8.95)0.78
>9.90.82 (0.25~2.69)0.731.01 (0.28~3.58)0.990.89 (0.23~3.47)0.86

Logistic regression model:
Model 1: unadjusted.
Model 2: adjusted for age, sex, hemodialysis vintage, etiology of renal failure, EPO, vitamin-D analogs, antihypertensive agent, iron use, and parathyroidectomy.
Model 3: model 2 + baseline laboratory results (albumin, hemoglobin, cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose (fasting), ferritin, P, iPTH, potassium, uric acid, urea, and cardiac-thoracic ratio).