Research Article

Prevalence of HIV Antiretroviral Drug Resistance and Its Impacts on HIV-1 Virological Failures in Jiangsu, China: A Cross-Sectional Study

Figure 1

The percentage of patients with specific antiviral mutations. Based on the genotype results, the drug resistant strains were divided into nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI); nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI); and protease inhibitor (PI) resistant strains using the Stanford website. The percentage of patients with NRTI, NNRTI, or PI resistant strains is shown. The denominator in all cases is 196 patients, all those who experienced virological failure and had serum samples available. The numerators for each column were NRTI = 73 (including multiple drug resistant strains); NNRTI = 92 (including multiple drug resistant strains); PI = 11 (including multiple drug resistant strains); NRTI + NNRTI = 70; PI + NRTI = 4; and PI + NNRTI = 5. In addition, 95 strains had none of the drug resistance mutations.