Research Article

Syntaxin 5 Overexpression and β-Amyloid 1–42 Accumulation in Endoplasmic Reticulum of Hippocampal Cells in Rat Brain Induced by Ozone Exposure

Figure 4

Schematic representation of the suggested mechanisms related with βA42 accumulation in ER. (a) Normal metabolism of mitochondria and ER under no oxidant stress conditions. Normal processing of βA42. (b) Metabolism alterations under oxidant stress conditions. (1) O3 induces an oxidative stress state causing PS1 and Syx5 overexpression. (1b) ROS induces by itself the overcleavage of APP by PS1 and PS2. (2) PS1 and Syx5 accumulate in mitochondria, MAM, and ER. (3) βA42 accumulation in mitochondria, MAM, and ER. (4) Transport of PS1, Syx5, and βA42 through MAM. (5) Syx5 excess in ER. (6) Interaction Syx5/PS1 blocks the PS1 normal efflux. (7) PS1 accumulation. (8) PS1 transport to γ-secretase complex. (9) Accumulation of βA42 in ER. (10) ER dysfunction.